How to manage international business risk
All business entails some degree of risk and international trade is no exception. The best way to manage international trade risk is by doing your homework in advance, and then taking prudent countermeasures to limit your risk exposure. This session will explain the types of risk you may encounter and suggest ways to manage them.
Bob Erwin, who teaches this session, recently retired as Senior International Business Consultant with the University of Georgia SBDC International Trade Center. He now operates the Export-U online training program for the Georgia District Export Council, of which he is a member. Bob has over 35 years of experience in the field of international trade. Prior to joining UGA Bob held various senior positions in government and industry, and he has worked in over 40 countries. Previous positions include: Commercial Vice Consul with the British Consulate General -Atlanta; Executive Director of the American Building Products Export Council- Washington, DC; and Director of the International Trade Division of the Georgia Department of Industry, Trade & Tourism. Mr. Erwin is a registered architect and holds a B.A., B.Arch, and M.Arch from Syracuse University. He has also served as President of the National Association of Small Business International Trade Educators (NASBITE), is a Certified Global Business Professional, and has been honored as a NASBITE Distinguished Fellow.
Sub-topics in this webinar include: managing international trade risk, international risk types (country risk, export transaction risk, export buyer risk, political export risk, economic export risk, military export risk), Coface risk ratings, Exim risk ratings, Country Limitation Schedule, AON country risk ratings, Overseas bank risk ratings, Fitch Ratings, Export buyer credit checks (Dun & Bradstreet, Coface, USCS Company Profiles), International risk mitigation, Export Credit Insurance, shipping insurance, Pro-forma Invoice.
Links to supporting material: resentation Handouts and Transcripts, Country risk ratings (Coface), Interactive country risk maps (Aon)
This website has been funded in part by the U.S. Commercial Service. Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved by the District Export Council of Georgia. Photo: AdobeStock_234389928.jpg-downloaded-6-11-19. Requests for the original PowerPoints by governmental and educational institutions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.