Making your overseas trip safe and productive
Early in the exporting process it really helps to visit your target market(s) to assess opportunities and select local agents or representatives. The U.S. Commercial Service has experts here and overseas that can help you plan your visit and make sure it is productive. You should also do some advance work to become familiar with the business culture, see if you need a visa, determine if there are travel warnings from the State Department. The International Traveler’s Checklist can help make sure you are fully prepared for the trip.
ATA Carnet ShippingBusiness CultureCoronavirus Travel UpdatesInternational Travel ChecklistTips & SuggestionsTravel WarningsVISA InformationVisiting the MarketInternational Travel includes the following sub-topics: Visa requirements, State Department Travel Advisories, Business Culture, Visiting Overseas Markets, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, International Traveler’s Checklist. This website has been funded in part by the U.S. Commercial Service. Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved by the District Export Council of Georgia. Photo above:: iStock-612375856.jpg, purchased 12/1/18. All reports are public domain documents. *ITA - International Trade Administration, U.S. Dept. of Commerce